Monday, January 11, 2010

Getting old

It doesn't seem that long ago since the main sources of excitement in my life were shopping and nights out. Often several nights out in a row when I was student, without a coat and in high heels - although hopefully I didn't look like these girls form the Daily Mail today;

Thankfully the Nottingham girl is not me.

But, alas, I appear to be getting older and feeling it. Don't get me wrong, I'm only 26, so hardly a pensioner, but there are subtle and not-so-subtle changes.

I like to go to places where I can sit down and talk to my friends without deafening music, and where the wine is good. I have a range of coats and sensible shoes I can wear for a night out. I have subscribed to Good Food magazine and buy aubergines and courgettes at the supermarket. I cannot take my alcohol anymore, even a couple of drinks makes me groggy the next day.

But my main reason for this blog today is my excitement over an electrician. Not the actual electrician of course, but the potential he brings. Spotlights in the bathroom! Which you can dim! And an extractor fan. I remember the days when a trip to B&Q with my Dad was the worst Saturday possible, now it's a treat. Seriously.

I take heart in the fact I'm not the only one my age like this, most of my friends are the same. One recently text me excited by the delivery of her fridge. I do come across the odd person who is still living the life of a 19 year old and I'm jealous for a second, but then I think about my spotlights and all is well.


P.s I also became an auntie for the first time this weekend, definitely feel old now!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

News of the day

So, in the news today is the snow. BIG big news. Apparently. I, however, seem to be living in a parallel universe (Nottingham) where the snow is manageable, the buses are running on time and we're all in work. Elsewhere in the county there seems to be chaos. I'm slightly (very) jealous, I want a snow day too! Where's my fecking snow??

However, the snow has just been knocked off the top-spot on BBC News by Geoff Hoon and Patricia Hewitt calling for a secret ballot on Gordon Brown's leadership. The headline on the Beeb is;

"Two ex-cabinet ministers are texting all Labour MPs seeking a secret ballot on Gordon Brown's leadership."

For a minute I was half impressed that they've so readily embraced technology, and half thinking that texting was a bit of a teenager-ish way to do it. I'm not sure it's the same thing though....

I personally don't think they'll win the election either way, I can't abide that smug DC, but I don't really know who Mick Clogg is, oh sorry, Nick Clegg. So it's the best of a bad bunch really.

In my own life, I'm off to the gym tonight to feel overweight and inadequate. Yey.
